Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle accidents are becoming more common. Part of the reason is you see cyclists on public roadways a lot more, you also see a lot more people engaging in cycling on trails and other areas for recreation. If somebody has been involved in an accident while they’re riding a bicycle, it’s important to determine what kind of case it is. So if somebody’s hit by a car, obviously we have to look at the other driver’ insurance company.

But it’s important to know too if you’re on a bike and you get hit by somebody else on a motor vehicle, your own car insurance may provide protection for you. Your uninsured motorist coverage may protect you. Or if you’re cycling and let’s say you get hit by another cyclist, you might think “well that guy doesn’t have bicycle insurance like people do with car insurance.” But their homeowners insurance may apply to them. Or maybe a pedestrian steps out onto your path while you’re riding your bike on a local trail, like the Silver Comet Trail near our office, that pedestrian may have homeowners insurance that covers them.

So it’s important that you always talk to a bicycle accident attorney, and don’t just assume “well I wasn’t hit by a car so there’s not going to be any insurance.” Hire an attorney, let the attorney do the digging and find out, because there may be a source of insurance there that can help pay for your medical bills, your lost wages, and your pain and suffering. And if you were on a bike and in an accident, the chances are you probably had a pretty bad injury.