Tara Boulevard Accident Kills 59-year-old Georgia Man

Written By: The Champion Firm Team

Date Posted: 01.14.16

Category: Pedestrian Accident Wrongful Death

A 59-year-old Georgia man was killed in Jonesboro, Georgia when he was hit by a car on January 14, 2016. The pedestrian collision happened on Tara Boulevard at Poston Road, which is near the Clayton County Courthouse. Clayton County police reported that the man was killed when a pickup truck hit him around 6:40 a.m. Multiple cars then hit the man after he was initially hit. As of now, police are still investigating the pedestrian accident to determine who was at fault. Police will interview witnesses, take measurements of the accident scene, and perform calculations to determine who was at fault. If the driver who hit the man is found to be at fault, then he may face charges.

About the Author

The Champion Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C. is a full-service personal injury law firm serving the greater Metro Atlanta area. Our award-winning team of attorneys specializes in car accidents, wrongful death, premises liability, and slip-and-fall cases. Learn more about our team here.