Georgia, like all other U.S. states, deems it illegal for drivers to operate their vehicle if they have a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) above a certain amount.
In Georgia, you could be charged with driving under the influence (DUI) if you are 21 or older and your BAC is 0.08% or higher. If you’re under 21, a DUI is considered 0.02% or higher.
If you’re operating a commercial vehicle, even if you are over the age of 21, a BAC of 0.04% or higher could get you a DUI.
Keep reading to learn more DUI facts and statistics.
Georgia Counties with The Most Drunk Drivers
Chatham County has the most driver's license suspensions due to DUI arrests with 378 suspensions.
The next highest Georgia counties for DUI-related license suspensions are:
- Gwinnett County (285)
- Fulton County (248)
- Muscogee County (183)
- DeKalb County (155)
- Cobb County (139)
- Whitfield County (112)
Drunk Drivers Kill
Drunk driving has become a serious problem in our society. Driving under the influence can harm your professional and your personal life, but even worse, it could cause you to injure or kill other drivers, your passengers, or even yourself.
Each year in Georgia, roughly 200,000 people receive a DUI.
From 2019 to 2022, there was a nearly 33% increase in the number of drunk-driving-related deaths.
In 2022, over 13,000 car wreck fatalities involved at least one alcohol-impaired driver.
Every 39 minutes in the U.S., there is a fatality related to drunk driving.
Men tend to drive drunk more often than women. For every one alcohol-impaired female driver, there are four male drunk drivers.
How to Report a Drunk Driver in Georgia
Over 42% of American drivers have personally seen a friend or family member drive after having more than one drink. Many of us have likely also seen a driver or two on the road and said to those around us, "Is that person drunk?"
If you suspect someone is operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol, you can report the suspected drunk driver to Georgia State Patrol by dialing *477 (press * then 4 7 7 ). If possible, tell them the license plate of the drunk driver's vehicle, the general location in which you observed their reckless behavior, and which direction they are headed (north, south, east, or west).
More than 4 in 10 people have driven after drinking.
45% of Americans have accepted a ride from someone they knew had already been drinking.
Signs of someone being a drunk driver include:
- Accelerating and decelerating inconsistently
- Drifting to one side of the road or the other
- Driving on any part of the road other than the driving lane
- Using the wrong turn signal
- Driving at night without headlights on
- Tailgating other drivers
- Driving very slowly (under the speed limit)
Drunk Driving Costs in Georgia
The cost of a DUI is great and it is no coincidence that DUIs are often referred to as “the $10,000 toast.” In Georgia, a first-offense DUI results in a suspended license for up to a year, fines ranging from $300-$5,000, DUI Alcohol or Drug Risk Reduction Program completion, mandatory 40 hours of community service, possible incarceration for up to a year, as well as attorney’s fees and costs, some of which could be $25,000.
DUIs also create many intangible hardships, such as strain on families and friendships, job loss, or prevention of future employment in a variety of sectors. Many people assume that DUIs can be easily expunged from their record; however, DUI convictions can stay on your driving record for ten years, creating an unintended legacy.
The cost to bail yourself out of jail for drunk driving can range be as much as $2,500.
If you are convicted of a DUI in Georgia, you could pay over $400 to get your driver's license reinstated.
A first-time DUI in Georgia can cost you as much as $1,000 and 12 months in jail.
If you get three DUIs in Georgia, you'll face a fine of up to $5,000.
Injured by A Drunk Driver?
If you are injured by a drunk driver in Georgia, you are entitled to compensation for your medical bills and expenses, as well as pain and suffering.
Under Georgia law, punitive damages and attorney’s fees are typically limited to $250,000. However, there are exceptions to this “cap” on damages, one of which is if you were hit by a driver who was under the influence.
For clients who are injured by a drunk driver, this means that the statutory cap on damages in the state of Georgia does not apply.
If you were injured by a drunk driver, contact our DUI injury attorneys today to discuss your options. We offer free case consultations and operate on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay nothing for our representation until we win your case.