IN THE NEWS: Car Plows Into ER, Piedmont Hospital Faces Wrongful Death Suit

August 26, 2020 | By The Champion Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C.
IN THE NEWS: Car Plows Into ER, Piedmont Hospital Faces Wrongful Death Suit

Attorney Darl Champion appeared on Atlanta's WSB-TV Channel 2 in the evening news to discuss his wrongful death suit against Piedmont Hospital. "ATLANTA — A man says his wife did not have to die in a horrible crash when a car drove into Piedmont Atlanta Hospital.

Frederick Hill told Channel 2′s Tom Jones that his wife Kimberly was there to drop off her mother when another driver drove through the building.
Video from June 30 shows Kimberly Hill and her siblings dropping their mother off at the hospital's emergency room entrance. An SUV suddenly slammed into her car and then hit her before crashing into the lobby.
Hill has now filed a wrongful-death lawsuit against the hospital."
See the whole interview HERE. The case was also featured on