Hall County Car Crashes Lead to Increased Traffic Enforcement

January 13, 2016 | By The Champion Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C.
Police Car
Hall County Car Crashes Lead to Increased Traffic Enforcement

An increase in the number of deadly car accidents in Hall County, Georgia has led to an increase in police patrols. In 2015, there were 32 deadly car accidents in Hall County. Surprisingly, that was an increase of 45 percent from 2014. Statewide in Georgia, crash fatalities rose 18% in 2015. The deadly crashes in Hall County included a tragic accident on Poplar Springs road that killed a 6-year-old child in December. Police have a number of different explanations for this disturbing trend. Police stated that most of the Georgia car accidents involved a distracted driver. Distracted driving is not just limited to texting either. It includes any type of distraction, such as looking at your cell phone, putting on makeup, or reading a book. Many of the fatal Hall County accidents involved drivers over age 50. Police suspect that some older drivers may not be familiar with the new technology in their cars, which is creating another potential distraction. If you have questions about a Hall County car accident, call the Atlanta personal injury attorneys at The Champion Firm, Personal Injury Attorneys, P.C., for a free consultation.