As Thanksgiving approaches, it is important to keep in mind some essentially travel safety tips. Holidays and increased travel and traffic normally go hand in hand, which also leads to an increase in car accidents. Thanksgiving is no different as it is one of the most dangerous holidays for travel. Last year, for example, there were 50,000 non-fatal accidents during the Thanksgiving holiday, and 764 of those crashes involved a fatality. If you are going to be traveling in Georgia or leaving the state this Thanksgiving to spend time with friends and family, you will likely find the roads more congested than last Thanksgiving. AAA predicts that this year’s Thanksgiving traffic will increase by 0.6% over last year. While that doesn’t seem like much, this equates to an additional 300,000 cars on the road. The American Safety Council has released some helpful travel tips to help travelers stay safe during this Thanksgiving holiday. Make sure that you follow this advice and use common sense when traveling. And as always, do not text and drive.
Thanksgiving Travel Safety Tips